CSE4392 (Special Topics): Web Programming

Instructor:Leonidas Fegaras
Office:ERB 653 (Engineering Research Bldg)
Phone:(817) 272-3629

Catalogue Description:
An intensive study of World Wide Web programming with a focus on generating dynamic, database-driven web content. Topics include: WWW fundamentals; introduction to XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, XML, and Ajax; client-side web programming using JavaScript; dynamic web pages; server-side web programming using PHP and Java servlets; database-driven web content; web services.

This is an introductory web programming course for undergraduate CSE students. The objective of this course is to give the students a comprehensive introduction to the tools and skills required for both client- and server-side web programming and to teach students how to develop platform-independent sites using the most current web development technology. The goal of this course is not to cover the details of some technologies exhaustively, but to explain the underlying concepts and interactions and illustrate them with simple examples. That is, to give the students enough familiarity with these technologies so that they can build simple web applications, instead of using certain software packages available on the market.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Prerequisites: CSE3330 (Database Systems and File Structures) or consent of instructor. Students must have knowledge and programming experience with both Java and SQL. Students without adequate preparation are at substantial risk of failing this course.

Required Textbook:
Programming the World Wide Web (7th Edition), by Robert W. Sebesta, 2013, ISBN-10: 0132665816.

The final grade will be based on Final grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
     A: score >= 90, B: 80 <= score < 90, C: 70 <= score < 80, D: 60 <= score < 70, F: score < 60,
Sometimes, lower cutoff points are used, depending on the overall performance of the class. After the first grades are posted, students can check their grades online at the course web page.

Reading Assignments:
Completing reading assignments before the class period in which the material is discussed is essential to success in this class. Not all the assigned material will be covered in class, but you will be responsible for it on exams.

Tentative Outline:

Both exams are open notes (all notes must be securely bound in one notebook). The final exam will cover the material from the first lecture up to and including the last lecture. Once the exam grades are posted, you will have 10 business days to dispute your grade and get your exam re-evaluated. Before you request for re-evaluation, make sure to compare your answer with the solution. No re-evaluation will be entertained after the 10 day period. No makeup exams will be given unless there is a justifiable reason (such as illness, sickness or death in the family). If you miss an exam and you can prove that your reason is justifiable, you should arrange with the instructor to take the makeup exam within a week from the regular exam time. For any other case, you will get a zero grade for the missed exam.

Programming Assignments:
There will be six short programming assignments. Each assignment will be done individually. Details will be given out in class. Late programming assignments will be marked 20 points off per day (out of 100 max). So, there is no point submitting an assignment more than 4 days late! This penalty cannot be waived, unless there was a case of illness or other substantial impediment beyond your control, with proof in documents from the school

Homework and project must be done individually. No copying is permitted. Cheating involves giving assistance to or receiving assistance from other students or from other individuals, copying material from the web, etc. I strictly adhere to the University of Texas at Arlington rules and guidelines for handling violations of academic dishonesty. Please refer to the pamphlet "CHEATING: Definitions and Consequences" for additional information. If any one is caught for cheating, or indulge in plagiarism or collusion on a programming assignment or on a exam, the grade for the entire course will be an automatic Fail grade (F). Students are required to read the following document carefully, sign it, return the signed copy to the instructor, and keep a copy for their own records. Hardcopies of this document will be provided to the students in the first class, and also can be picked up in the instructor's office. If you print by yourself, please make it double-sided.
Statement on Ethics, Professionalism, and Conduct for Engineering Students

How to do Well in this Course:
Students who get the most out of this course will be the ones who put in the most effort. If you want to do well, attend all the lectures, read the assigned sections of the book, and start early on your programming assignments. Working out the questions and problems from book chapters will immensely help in doing well on exams. If you are having difficulty, the instructor and the GTA will be more than happy to help you. In addition to regular office hours, the best way of communication with the instructor or the GTA is through email. If you can't make it to the scheduled office hours but really need help, contact one of us for an appointment.

Special Accommodations:
If you require an accommodation based on disability, I would like to meet with you in the privacy of my office, during the first week of the semester, to make sure you are appropriately accommodated.

Course web page:
It is your responsibility to check the web site at least twice a week for announcements and materials.

Last modified: 03/05/13 by Leonidas Fegaras